Sunday, August 7, 2011

Please answer, im worried!!!!?

I have had diaherra, mostly watery & mucuousy--some halfway whole but never lasts, I get abdominal pains and watery diaherra today is going on Day 7 of it. I also have bronchitis and am taking anti botic, starting to feel a bit better from it but I have suhcch bad diaherra everything I eat or drink goes rite threw me and about 30 mins after taking anti botic have diaherra! However the anti botic didn't cause the diaherra because I had it before taking the anti botic...I am eating enliven yogurt with probitics to try to help since I'm using anti botics and I have a call in to my doctor waiting for a call back---just wondering if the anrti botic would work since I'm having such bad diaherra and often right after taking it, the first day I swear I saw the anti botic come out whole in the diaherra.....I'm a worrier I need to relax but I'm worried

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